to fit
لبق ب أو ل {لَبِقَ}
to suit
لبق ب أو ل {لَبِقَ}
to become
لبق ب أو ل {لَبِقَ}
related Results
tactful (adj.) , [ more tactful ; most tactful ]
to be skilled (v.)
to be refined (v.)
to be tactful (v.)
suave (adj.)
smart (adj.)
to adjust (v.)
لبق {الثّوْبَ إلخ}
wisecracker (n.) , [pl. wisecrackers]
wisecrack (n.) , [pl. wisecracks]
seemly (adj.) , [ seemlier ; seemliest ]
diplomat (n.) , [pl. diplomats]
to adapt (v.)
لبق {الثّوْبَ إلخ}
deft (adj.) , [ defter ; deftest]
diplomatic (adj.) , [ more diplomatic ; most diplomatic]
graceful (adj.) , [ more graceful ; most graceful]
politic (adj.) , [ more politic ; most politic]
to fit (v.)
لبق {الثّوْبَ إلخ}